Financial Wars | Charles Duelfer

Category Archives: Financial Wars

Understanding the Dataverse: Beirut Explosion and the future of Intelligence Collection/Analysis

As a thought experiment to see what’s coming in intelligence collection and analytics, consider the forensics associated with the recent Beirut disaster. The event itself was obviously detected instantly by witnesses all over the city.  And instantly, decision makers needed … Continue reading

Posted in China, Cyber Threat, Financial Wars, Industrial Policy, Intelligence, NSA, Space, Ukraine | Leave a comment

Maliki is the problem, not the solution

Prime Minister Maliki, who is in midst of negotiating a government in aftermath of the recent Iraqi elections, has asked for US support including airstrikes. The last thing we should do now is further imbed ourselves with Maliki. This is … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Wars, Iran, Iraq, United Nations | Leave a comment

American Vulnerability – The Dollar

American media seems to be focused on domestic affairs while astonishing things are going beyond the borders—and we seem to stand by watching helplessly. The United States position of prominence is eroding. Yesterday, at a summit in Shanghai between China’s … Continue reading

Posted in China, Financial Wars, Russia | 1 Comment

The New Russian Threat: May be Good News for some

Putin may discover to his surprise that it is in many American parties interests to have Russia as an enemy.  It is not overly cynical to point out that, for many interests in Washington, there is a great need to … Continue reading

Posted in China, Financial Wars, Russia, Space, Terrorism, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ukraine – Dollar vs. Ruble

Looking ahead at the conflict between the US and Russia over Ukraine,  it may turn out that this could become a financial war rather than a kinetic war.  The US has an enormous strength irrespective of our military–the US dollar.  … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Wars, Intelligence, Russia, Ukraine | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment