Lavrov | Charles Duelfer

Tag Archives: Lavrov

Unavoidable Elements of the Ukraine Crisis

Western policy to prevent further Russian aggression in Ukraine is hobbled by a few inescapable problems. The government in Ukraine is weak from the top down. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is no Vladimir Putin.  While they both stand about 5 … Continue reading

Posted in Allies, China, NATO, nuclear weapons, Russia, Ukraine, United Nations | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Syria CW – Success, but so what?

Syria has missed its latest deadline to finish removing Chemical agent and precursors from its territory.  However, they almost made it–about 92% done.  Bashar al-Assad clearly has moved to fulfill his obligation to get rid of his CW capability.  There … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Russia, Syria CW | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The New Russian Threat: May be Good News for some

Putin may discover to his surprise that it is in many American parties interests to have Russia as an enemy.  It is not overly cynical to point out that, for many interests in Washington, there is a great need to … Continue reading

Posted in China, Financial Wars, Russia, Space, Terrorism, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Olympic Sport – CW Racing? And Snowden?

Snowden Lighting the Olympic Flame?  I bet someone in Moscow has considered it. The Olympics in Sochi are getting to be a test of political skill as well as athletic skill.  President Vladimir Putin clearly has Russia’s reputation, and more … Continue reading

Posted in Syria CW, United Nations, WMD | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Syrian CW – Major Progress Continues – Who’s Left with CW?

While US media fixated on the budget scrum in Washington, things have been moving ahead toward the goal of eliminating Syrian CW.   Status. On the ground, inspectors are continuing to inventory and verify Syrian facilities, equipment and munitions.  They … Continue reading

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The Syrian CW Declaration…So far, so good

Syria has taken the first critical step in the process laid out by Lavrov and Kerry last week in Geneva. Damascus made its initial declaration of its chemical weapons inventory and infrastructure to the technical secretariat of the Organization for … Continue reading

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The Syrian Framework Agreement

The Framework agreement and its two annexes get many things right. The burden of proof and all the heavy lifting are on Syria. The UN weapons inspectors are meant to verify Syrian declarations, direct the aggregation and ultimate disposal of … Continue reading

Posted in Iraq, Syria CW, United Nations, WMD | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Lavrov-Kerry Agreement on Syria-Now What?

Sometimes things work out. This may be one of those occasions. It appears the US has agreed with the general Lavrov proposition that an arrangement similar to what was imposed upon Saddam in the 1990’s be applied to Syria. This … Continue reading

Posted in Iraq, Syria CW, United Nations, WMD | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

At times like this, What would Saddam do?

Among the various rationales expressed for a military strike on Syria is that need to make Bashir al-Assad pay a price for using CW. But what does Bashir value? We learned from debriefing Saddam that his value structure was much … Continue reading

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